Your Vote From Abroad Matters
Haven't Voted? Here's What You Can Do
✔ Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot: It's not too late to vote! Get the FWAB, the alternative ballot for overseas voters whose ballots are late.✔ Critical Senate Races: These states are too-close-to-call must-wins for the Democrats to hold the Senate majority.
✔ Key Congressional Races: Important House races for Democrats that could go down to the wire.
✔ Submission Deadlines by State: Verify the deadlines for registration, ballot request and receipt by the stateside elections office. A few passed, oth
For most of these races, there is still time to send in the FWAB for Voter Registration and Ballot Request (some states accept fax or email too)!
A few passed, others are nearly here. quotes about success