Thursday, January 22, 2015

Call for Candidates for the Executive Committee

Elections for 2015–2017 Executive Committee

Deadline for Nominations, Midnight, Friday, February 6, 2015

We seek members excited to be part of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections and help Democrats win races at all levels of our political process.

In Spring 2016 we will hold Democrats Abroad’s Global Primary, where our members can vote for their preferred Democratic presidential candidate. There will be fundraisers, Get-Out-The-Vote campaigns around Switzerland, debate watches, and more! Now is the time to heed the call for candidates, and get involved. Terms are for two years, from March 2015 until March 2017.

DA Switzerland has set 3 important goals for the 2015-2017 term and calls on all our members to help reach them:
 ①  Membership Outreach to attract new members
 ②  Voter Registration
 ③  Fundraising

The growth and sustainability of Democrats Abroad Switzerland are a top priority. Joining the leadership of Democrats Abroad is a great opportunity to build up experience, broaden your network, have fun and meet great people. And mainly, you get to play a critical role in helping ELECT DEMOCRATS!!

Please Consider Running for an Office!

Declare Your Candidacy or Nominate Another Member for a Position
by Midnight Friday, February 6, 2015

All registered members living in Switzerland are eligible (and encouraged!) to run for one of these these positions and to vote at the Annual Meeting.

✔︎ February 6 – Send an email to Nominations Committee Chair Maya Samara. Each nominee is asked to submit their name, contact info and a brief statement of intent (max. 500 words)

✔︎ February 17 – We will distribute information about the candidates, their statements, voting procedures, meeting agenda and venue to all members by email

✔︎ Saturday, March 14 – Elections will be held during the Annual General Meeting. Save the date!

For more information on these offices, contact

The Executive Committee is the leadership of DA Switzerland, made up of eleven members like you who volunteer their time and skills to represent and organize Democrats across Switzerland. All nine Executive Committee positions are elected and two sit ex-officio (more details on the committee officer roles here). Per our by-laws, we’ve appointed a Nominations Committee to run this election process and seek out candidates to stand for office.

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