Monday, February 17, 2014

DA Zurich Chapter Elections - Call for Candidates

Dear Democrats Abroad in Swiss German region,
On Saturday March 22nd, Democrats Abroad Zurich will hold Chapter Elections, immediately following the DA Switzerland Annual General Meeting at the same Zurich venue.
A Nominations Committee has been formed to run this election process and seek out candidates to stand for office.
For a valid vote, a quorum of 20 members must attend either in person or by proxy, so we are counting on you to be there and support Democrats Abroad!
The Zurich Chapter currently holds 2 positions for election:
·   Chapter Chair
·   Chapter Secretary-Treasurer
See below for descriptions. Each will be elected for a two-year term commencing immediately.
Please declare your candidacy for either position by midnight on Sunday February 23rd by email.
All registered DA members living in the Swiss-German speaking region of Switzerland are eligible (and encouraged!) to run for one of these two positions and to vote in the Chapter Election. 

Candidate statements, voting instructions, agenda and venue will be sent to all members by email on February 25th. This will describe both the Zurich Chapter elections and the DA Switzerland Annual Meeting, to be held sequentially in Zurich on Saturday afternoon, March 22. Please save the date!
Candidates are asked to submit their names, contact info and a brief statement of intent (max. 500 words) by Sunday February 23rd. We will then distribute the information about the candidates and voting procedure to all members by email. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor at the elections.
Chair of Zurich Chapter
This person must be ready to lead and mobilize members to join his or her team. Chapter Chairs are encouraged to appoint chapter positions such as vice-chair, media contact, event organizer, GOTV coordinator, Young Dems chair, or any other position deemed necessary. Upcoming activities in the next term include: 2014 Get-Out-The-Vote, monthly gatherings, special/holiday events (DA is celebrating our 50th Anniversary in 2014!), and more.  The Chapter Chair should be a dedicated team player who will work with the DACH Executive Committee.
This person must be ready to support the ZH Chair, maintain an up-to-date list of chapter members using the database, send out notices of meetings and special events to the membership, and manage local finances. Social media skills would be particularly helpful, but not a requirement.
For more information on either office, contact Nicole DeFeo.

DA Switzerland has set 3 important goals for 2014 and calls on all our members to help reach them: Membership Outreach to attract new members, Voter Registration, and Fundraising. The growth and sustainability of the Zurich Chapter are a top priority and terrific accomplishments have been made since its founding in 2009. Joining the leadership of DA is a great opportunity to build up experience, broaden your network, have fun and meet great people. Oh, and you also get to play a critical role in helping ELECT DEMOCRATS!!
On behalf of the entire DACH ExCom, we are looking forward to working with the Zurich leadership to continue to build and expand DA outreach in the Swiss German region.
With best regards,

Nicole DeFeo
Chair of Nominations Committee
Member-at-Large, DACH Executive Committee

Nominations Committee Members:
Jennifer Giroux, Zurich Chapter Founding Chair (2009 – 2011)
Maya Samara, Past Chair, DACH (2009-2013)

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